Automatically capture daily snapshots of all your data with time machine

Automated models and data collection

Manually retracing historical data is both time-consuming and inefficient

Accurately reviewing past data is essential for financial reviews, evaluating past decisions, conducting retrospective analyses, and fulfilling various reporting needs.

Manually locating and compiling data from online sources is not only inefficient but also risks missing key information.

Capture every metric from all connected systems, every day


Daily Snapshots

Automatically captures a snapshot of all financial data every day from connected systems (QBO, Xero, Plaid).


Historical Modeling

Allows users to create financial models based on data from any specific point in time.


Retrospective Analysis

Enables users to track how financial metrics, such as cash flow, revenue, and expenses, have changed over time.


Change Tracking

Highlights differences between current data and historical snapshots, providing insights into retrospective changes or corrections.


Version Comparison

Compares snapshots from different points in time to analyze financial trends or detect inconsistencies.


Real-Time Data Access

Integrates seamlessly with current financial data, allowing users to access both real-time and historical information simultaneously.

An illustration of several charts, UI items and graphs An illustration of a portfolio company and a checklist of due diligence related items

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